Pure Natural Products

Bulgarian Raw Honey

Tasty Natural Shield against Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi
Acacia Honey

Very light-colored, medium sweet, with a hint of vanilla and almost no aftertaste. It’s obtained from the acacia flower and usually, it doesn’t crystalize. Acacia honey is a natural antioxidant and because of its high fructose content can be consumed moderately by diabetics.

Sunflower Honey

 Usually, bright golden yellow-colored, sometimes with a greenish tinge which may change and darkens when crystallizes. Sunflower honey has a sweet taste with a sour aftertaste, it is rich in beneficial amino acids and has diuretic and tonic effects.

Coriander Honey

One of the dark types of honey made from the nectar of coriander plants, with light brown amber color. Coriander honey has a very specific aroma and it tastes similar to caramel, rich in various trace elements vital for blood formation such as iron, copper, and manganese.

Polyfloral Honey

These types of honey are also known as wildflower honeys and are produced by honey bees using the nectar of different flowers species. The taste and aroma are delicious and unique, every apiary produces honey with no equivalent anywhere else in the world.

Linden Honey

Transparent, light yellow or light amber in color when aged. The taste is really intense – sweet and spicy and its aroma is strong and very pleasant. This type of honey is indispensable in the treatment of sore throat, angina, runny nose, laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

Lavender Honey

With its golden or light amber color with reddish shades, this honey has a very delicate floral flavor, great aroma, and taste. Lavender honey has a proven wound-healing effect, but also other health benefits such as anti-fungal properties and it’s a tasty booster for the nervous system.

Rapeseed Honey

Honey with creamy white color, very thick, strong sweet taste, and very good nutritional qualities. Rapeseed honey contains valuable vitamins and minerals and is extremely useful for bone, joint, gastrointestinal problems, and a lot of eye-related diseases.

Honeydew Honey

Dark green, brown, or near black colored this extremely healthy honey is usually produced from the honeydew on oak and linden leaves. Honeydew honey is rich in vitamins, minerals, folic acid, great food for athletes and people who are recovering from illness.

Special Selection Honey

Rose Honey
Peach Blossom Honey
Apple Blossom Honey
Cherry Blossom Honey
Plum Blossom Honey
Other Rare Honey

Certified Products

Eco-Friendly Production

100% Natural Goods